Monday, January 31, 2011


Remove cartridge containing self.
Wash away grime, dust and stench from years of overuse.
Reinsert for improved identity.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

idiot = "idios" = "by oneself"

Seem like I'm only ever in one of two situations:
A. I hate where I am---it's crowded, I'm out of my element, I feel like I'll be unmasked as a fraud at any time. Or:
B. I'm by myself---and comfortable.

A. I'm making progress. I'm meeting people and/or strengthening existing relationships.
B. I don't have to prove anything. No one sees me. I'm safe. And stagnating.

It's one thing to (A) be afraid and another to (B) give in to fear.

In B, I have the time & space to write, but it's only during A that I'm inspired.

Saturday, January 22, 2011



Thursday, January 20, 2011

subjectivity loop

hat if we couldn't ask What if? W
at if we couldn't ask What if? Wh
f we couldn't ask What if? What i
ldn't ask What if? What if we cou
sk What if? What if we couldn't a
e couldn't ask What if? What if w

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Rinse and Repeat

If pessimism doesn't work, try optimism. If optimism doesn't work, try pessimism.  
If pessimism doesn't work, try optimism. If optimism doesn't work, try pessimism. 
If pessimism doesn't work, try optimism. If optimism doesn't work, try pessimism.  
If pessimism doesn't work, try optimism. If optimism doesn't work, try pessimism.  
If pessimism doesn't work, try optimism. If optimism doesn't work, try pessimism.  
If pessimism doesn't work, try optimism. If optimism doesn't work, try pessimism.

Shampoo for Cynics
(Optimistic Conditioner?)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Prison Sentence

...descend, descendants, transcend, transcendence...
This sentence has sentience.
(and it says)
"Why have I been given life? What could I possibly say in four words, nine letters? How can I encompass the entirety of experience? What little can I do? Was I created for a purpose? How do I achieve that purpose? Could I do more than what I was created to do? What if I can't?"
"How do I live on? How do I perpetuate myself? How do I work my way into the hearts of my audience? Is anybody reading me? Do they like me? How can I respond?"
"I am just one sentence."

We all live out our sentences.
Self-contained. Unchanging.
Unable to respond.
But if you want to know this sentence,
type it & it's yours!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

there is nothing more important than this in the universe

t e
th se
the res
ther erse
there verse
there i iverse
there is niverse
there is n universe
there is no e universe
there is not he universe
there is noth the universe
there is nothi n the universe
there is nothin in the universe
there is nothing s in the universe
there is nothing m is in the universe
there is nothing mo his in the universe
there is nothing mor this in the universe
there is nothing more n this in the universe 
there is nothing more i an this in the universe
there is nothing more im han this in the universe
there is nothing more imp than this in the universe
there is nothing more impot than this in the universe
there is nothing more impornt than this in the universe

there is nothing more important than this in the universe

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Reside inside residue, monologue glue


aeivw aehiklmos

W A V E - W E A V E - V I E W - E W E - E V E
H O L E - H A I L - S M O K E - O A K - A L E

Monday, January 10, 2011

Y. A. W. Y. A.

you are who
you are who you are
are who
you are who you
are you

i. d. l. a. e.

I cnm’s khjd zmxsghmf dmntfg
I son’r kikw lnythinf wnougg
I n’tdo keli thingany ugheno
I d’n’t l’k’ ’n’th’ng ’n’’gh
I don’t like anything enough